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​​​​ Executive Orders 

2010 - 2019

​Date Document​
2019-07 - Commonwealth Leadership in Addressing Climate Change Through Electric Sector Emissions Reductions (Amended)
​07/31/20192019-05 - Protection of Vulnerable Populations

​06/14/20192019-03 - Pennsylvania State Employee Military Service Recognition Campaign
​02/19/20192019-02 - Keystone Economic Development and Workforce Command Center
​01/08/20192019-01 - Commonwealth Leadership in Addressing Climate Change and Promoting Energy Conservation and Sustainable Governance
​09/19/20182018-08 - Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Action Team
2018-04 Amended - Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board
​06/06/20182018-03 - Equal Pay for Employees of the Commonwealth
​2017-07 - Governor's Invasive Species Council
​12/20/20172017-04 - Intergovernmental Affairs
​10/24/20172017-03 - Review of State Professional and Occupational Licensure Board Requirements and Processes
​12/05/20162016-08 - Rescission of Executive Orders
07/24/20192016-07 Amended- Open Data, Data Management, and Data Governance
2016-06 - Enterprise Information Technology Governance
2016-05 Amended - Contract Compliance
​04/06/20162016-04 - Equal Employment Opportunity
​03/09/20162016-03 - Establishing “Employment First” Policy and Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Pennsylvanians with a Disability
2016-02 Amended - ​Minimum Wage for Employees of the Commonwealth and of Organizations Receiving State Contracts
​11/24/20152015-13 - Governor’s Advisory Councils for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation
04/16/2015 ​2015-06 - State Emergency Operations Plan
02/27/2015​2015-05 - Participant-Directed Home Care Services
01/29/2015​2015-03 - Leasing of State Forest and State Park Land for Oil and Gas Development
01/20/2015​ ​2015-02 - Competitive Process for Procurement of Legal Services
07/31/2014​2014-05 - Rescission of: Executive Order 2003-1, Executive Order 2010-02 As Amended and Executive Order 2011-04
​07/01/20142014-04 - Transition Period for the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council
​03/18/20142014-02 - Pennsylvania Justice Network (JNET) Governance Structure
11/04/20192013-03 - Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services (Amended)
03/18/2013​2013-02 - Rescission of Executive Order 1987-3 Transfer of Waynesburg Youth Development Center to the Department of Corrections
​09/17/2012 ​2012-12 - Pennsylvania Military Community Protection Commission
07/24/2012​2012-11 - Permit Decision Guarantee for the Department of Environmental Protection
04/30/2012​ ​2012-05 - Commonwealth Continuity of Government
02/22/2012​ ​2012-03 - Pennsylvania Homeland Security
12/07/2011​2011-10 - Veteran-Owned Small Business Procurement Initiative
11/21/2011​2011-09 - Small Business Procurement Initiative
09/15/2011​ ​2011-06 - Commonwealth Licensee Tax Responsibility Program
09/14/2010​2010-03 - Pennsylvania-Produced Agricultural Products Program